Does this sentence need a comma?

On this web site one can choose from eleven central science areas.

You need a comma after "site" --
See #3.

There should be commas around “however” in the following sentence: “Dwayne had planned to take the last flight out to Chicago. It was cancelled, however, because of bad weather.” (Points : 1)


Yes, this sentence needs a comma.

To determine the correct placement of a comma in this sentence, we need to identify the main clause and any subordinating or coordinating elements. In this case, the main clause is: "On this website one can choose from eleven central science areas."

The phrase "On this website" functions as an introductory phrase, providing additional context about where the action takes place. Introductory phrases are typically followed by a comma to separate them from the main clause. Therefore, a comma should be placed after "website" in order to properly punctuate the sentence.

Corrected sentence: "On this website, one can choose from eleven central science areas."