A weight stretches one spring 3 in. and a second weight stretches another spring 9 in. If both weights are simultaneously pulled down 1 in. below their respective equilibrium positions and then released, find the first time after t = 0 when their velocities are equal.

Are the two weights the same? Are the two springs the same? I don't think the problem can be solved without further information.

To find the first time when the velocities of the weights are equal, we'll first need to determine the equations of motion for each weight.

Let's assign variables:
- The displacement of the first weight as x₁.
- The displacement of the second weight as x₂.
- The equilibrium position (the position without any displacement) as x = 0.
- The spring constants for the first and second springs as k₁ and k₂, respectively.
- The masses of the first and second weights as m₁ and m₂, respectively.
- The velocities of the first and second weights as v₁ and v₂, respectively.

By applying Hooke's Law (F = -kx), we know that the force exerted by a spring is proportional to the displacement from its equilibrium position. Using this, we can write the equations of motion for the two weights:

For the first weight:
m₁ * a₁ = -k₁ * (x₁ - 3) - k₂ * (x₂ - 9)

For the second weight:
m₂ * a₂ = -k₂ * (x₂ - 9) - k₁ * (x₁ - 3)

Now, let's differentiate both equations with respect to time (t) to obtain the equations of acceleration:

For the first weight:
m₁ * d²x₁/dt² = -k₁ * (dx₁/dt) - k₂ * (dx₂/dt)

For the second weight:
m₂ * d²x₂/dt² = -k₂ * (dx₂/dt) - k₁ * (dx₁/dt)

Now, let's denote the first derivatives of x₁ and x₂ as v₁ and v₂ respectively, which represent the velocities of the weights:

For the first weight:
m₁ * dv₁/dt = -k₁ * (x₁ - 3) - k₂ * (x₂ - 9)

For the second weight:
m₂ * dv₂/dt = -k₂ * (x₂ - 9) - k₁ * (x₁ - 3)

To find the time when the velocities become equal, we need to solve these two equations simultaneously. However, solving these equations analytically may be challenging due to the coupled nature of the equations and the unknown time.

One approach to solve this problem is to use numerical methods, such as numerical integration, to approximate the solutions. You can use software like Python with numerical libraries, such as SciPy, to solve the system of differential equations and find the time when the velocities become equal.

Below is an example code snippet to solve this numerically using Python and SciPy's odeint function:

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint

def find_velocities(y, t):
x1, v1, x2, v2 = y

# Constants
k1 = 0.0 # Spring constant of first spring
k2 = 0.0 # Spring constant of second spring
m1 = 0.0 # Mass of first weight
m2 = 0.0 # Mass of second weight

# Equations of motion
dx1dt = v1
dv1dt = (-k1 * (x1 - 3) - k2 * (x2 - 9)) / m1
dx2dt = v2
dv2dt = (-k2 * (x2 - 9) - k1 * (x1 - 3)) / m2

return [dx1dt, dv1dt, dx2dt, dv2dt]

# Initial conditions
y0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

# Time points to solve for
t = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)

# Solve the system of differential equations
sol = odeint(find_velocities, y0, t)

# Find the first time when the velocities are equal
equal_velocity_time = t[np.argmax(sol[:, 1] == sol[:, 3])]

print("The first time when the velocities are equal is t =", equal_velocity_time)

Replace the values of k1, k2, m1, and m2 with the actual values given in the problem statement. Running this code will give you the first time when the velocities of the two weights are equal.