"Mamá, quiero saber qué me dan tú y papá."

"Yo,____ unos aretes de México; el regalo de papá va a ser una sorpresa."

a. te damos
b. te doy
c. me dan
d. le dan



Thank you!

Any time!


Correct! The correct answer is "b. te doy."

In the sentence, "Mamá, quiero saber qué me dan tú y papá," the person speaking is asking their mom what she and their dad are giving to them. The word "te" is the indirect object pronoun that means "you" in this context, referring to the person speaking.

Therefore, the verb "dar" (to give) needs to be conjugated to match the subject "yo" (I) and the indirect object pronoun "te" (you). The correct conjugation is "te doy," which means "I give you."

The other options are not correct for this sentence. "a. te damos" is incorrect because it uses the wrong conjugation for the subject "yo" (I). "c. me dan" is incorrect because it uses the wrong pronoun "me" instead of "te" to refer to the person spoken to. "d. le dan" is incorrect because it uses the wrong pronoun "le" instead of "te" to refer to the person spoken to.