A confidence interval was used to estimate the proportion of statistics students that are females. A random sample of 72 statistics students generated the following 90% confidence Interval: (.43, .63). based on the interval above, is the population proportion of females equal to 0.60?

You can be 90% confident that the population proportion falls within the calculated parameters.


To determine if the population proportion of females is equal to 0.60 based on the given confidence interval, we need to check if 0.60 falls within the interval.

The confidence interval provided is (0.43, 0.63). This means that we are 90% confident that the true population proportion of females falls between 0.43 and 0.63.

To determine if 0.60 falls within this interval, we need to compare it to the lower and upper bounds of the interval.

The lower bound of the interval is 0.43, and the upper bound is 0.63.

Since 0.60 falls between the lower and upper bounds of the interval (0.43 and 0.63), we can conclude that the population proportion of females could potentially be 0.60. However, we cannot be certain as 0.60 is within the range of possible proportions.

To determine if the population proportion of females is equal to 0.60 based on the given confidence interval, we need to check if 0.60 falls within the interval.

The confidence interval provided is (0.43, 0.63). This means that the sample proportion, which is the proportion of females in the sample, is estimated to be between 0.43 and 0.63 with 90% confidence.

Since the population proportion is estimated by the sample proportion, we can use the confidence interval to make inferences about the population proportion.

In this case, we can see that 0.60 falls within the confidence interval of (0.43, 0.63). Therefore, we can conclude that the population proportion of females could be 0.60, since it falls within the estimated range.

However, it's important to note that the confidence interval provides an estimate with a certain level of confidence. It does not give an exact value for the population proportion.