If Sue bought a on sale for $21.50. If the sale was a 15% off sale, how much money did she save compared to if she bought it at the regular price?

0.85x = 21.5

x = 21.5 / 0.85
x = ?

85%x = $21.5

x = 21.5/.85 = $25.29

so how much money did she save?

To find out how much money Sue saved compared to if she bought the item at the regular price, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount:
Discount amount = Regular price × Discount rate

Given that the discount rate is 15% and the regular price is the original price before the discount, we need to calculate the regular price first.

Step 2: Calculate the regular price:
Regular price = Sale price / (1 - Discount rate)

In this case, the sale price is $21.50 and the discount rate is 15%.

Step 3: Calculate the discount amount:
Discount amount = Regular price × Discount rate

Step 4: Calculate the amount saved:
Amount saved = Regular price - Sale price

Now, let's do the calculations:

Step 2: Calculate the regular price:
Regular price = $21.50 / (1 - 0.15)
Regular price = $21.50 / 0.85
Regular price ≈ $25.29

Step 3: Calculate the discount amount:
Discount amount = $25.29 × 0.15
Discount amount = $3.79

Step 4: Calculate the amount saved:
Amount saved = $25.29 - $21.50
Amount saved ≈ $3.79

Therefore, Sue saved approximately $3.79 compared to if she bought the item at the regular price.

To calculate how much money Sue saved compared to if she bought the item at the regular price, we need to find out the regular price of the item.

Step 1: Find the discounted price
Given that Sue bought the item for $21.50, which was 15% off the regular price, we can use the formula:

Discounted price = Regular price - (Discount percent * Regular price)

Let's denote the regular price as "x" and the discount rate as 15% or 0.15.

21.50 = x - (0.15 * x)

Step 2: Solve for the regular price
To solve for x, we can simplify the equation:

21.50 = x - 0.15x
21.50 = 0.85x

Divide both sides of the equation by 0.85 to isolate x:
x = 21.50 / 0.85
x ≈ 25.29

The regular price of the item is approximately $25.29.

Step 3: Calculate the savings
To find out how much money Sue saved, subtract the discounted price from the regular price:

Savings = Regular price - Discounted price
Savings = 25.29 - 21.50
Savings ≈ $3.79

Therefore, Sue saved approximately $3.79 compared to if she bought the item at the regular price.