i need help to unscramble these spanish words!!! srate,qeroiu,vosa,risvait,rpracmo

second word is quiero

I think the third is vaso

word 5 = comprar


unscramble this spainsh word acenr

can you unscramble this spanish word - acenr

Sure! To unscramble these Spanish words, you can follow a simple process:

1. Start by looking for the vowels in each word. Identify the position of the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) within the scrambled word.
2. Once you have the vowels, try rearranging them to form Spanish words.
3. Use context clues or word knowledge to help you guess the correct word.
4. If you're still having trouble, you can use an anagram solver or an online Spanish word unscrambler to generate possible words that can be formed from the given letters.

Now, let's unscramble the words you provided:

1. Srate: This word can be unscrambled to form "estra" or "estar."
2. Qeroiu: This word can be rearranged to form "quiero," which means "I want" in English.
3. Vosa: This word can be unscrambled to form "savo" or "vaso," which means "save" or "glass" respectively.
4. Risvait: This word can be unscrambled to form "sirvita" or "servita," which means "waitress" in English.
5. Rpracmo: This word can be rearranged to form "comprar," which means "to buy" in English.

Remember to double-check the unscrambled words using a Spanish-English dictionary or a language resource to ensure their accuracy.