1. During Nixon's first term, it could be said that:

A. the nation was completely at peace again.
B. he was more successful in foreign policy than with domestic policy.
C. he was generally more successful with domestic policy than with foreign
D. there was little he accomplished at all.

I chose answer choice B. (not 100% sure)

2. The way that Congress dealt with Nixon proved that:
A. with enough influence one can get away almost anything.
B. he was even more crafty than his opponents had said.
C. even the president is not above the law.
D. there are too many perks for his office holders.

I chose answer choice C. (not 100% sure)

I agree with both your answers.

To answer the first question, you are asked to evaluate Nixon's performance during his first term. One way to approach this question is by examining both his domestic and foreign policy achievements.

To evaluate Nixon's success in foreign policy, you can consider events such as his visits to China and the Soviet Union, known as the "Nixon Doctrine." These diplomatic efforts aimed to improve relations and reduce tensions with these countries, which can be seen as successful.

For domestic policy, you can consider Nixon's efforts in areas such as the economy, civil rights, and healthcare. One notable achievement during his first term was the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the passage of the Clean Air Act. These actions can be seen as accomplishments in domestic policy.

Based on these considerations, you can conclude that Nixon was more successful in foreign policy than with domestic policy, which aligns with answer choice B.

Now let's move on to the second question, which revolves around how Congress dealt with Nixon. To reach the correct answer, you need to understand the events surrounding the Watergate scandal.

The Watergate scandal ultimately led to Nixon's resignation and showcased the principle that no one, including the president, is above the law. The investigations conducted by Congress, as well as the resulting impeachment proceedings, demonstrated that the president can be held accountable for his actions. This aligns with answer choice C, which states that even the president is not above the law.

Therefore, your choice of answer choice C is correct given the context of the Watergate scandal.