The side length,s, of a cube is related to its volume, v, by the formula s=v^1/3. A cube box when filled with materials has a volume of 729 cm2. What is the side lenth of the cube box used?

Please help me step by step with this. I don't know where to start :(

s=v^1/3=third root(v)

s=third root(729)=9

Thank you! Is that 9 cm or just 9 ?

To find the side length of the cube, we need to use the formula s = v^(1/3), where s represents the side length and v represents the volume. In this case, we are given the volume, which is 729 cm^3.

Step 1: Substitute the given volume value into the formula:
s = 729^(1/3)

Step 2: Calculate the value of 729^(1/3):
To do this, we need to find the cube root of 729. Since 9^3 = 729, the cube root of 729 is 9. Therefore:
s = 9

Step 3: Interpret the result:
The side length of the cube box used is 9 cm.