23. "¿_______ necesitas ayudar en casa?"

"Porque mi madre está enferma hoy."
a. Qué
b. Porque
c. Quién
d. Por qué

24. "¿Que leen Uds.?"
a. Leo con Juan
b. Leen en la clase
c. Leemos libros
d. Lee con la clase
Not sure...

25. Yo soy joven. Mi abuelo es ______.
a. canos
b. menor
c. viejo
d. setenta y cinco

26. El tres de febrero es el cumpleños de mis primos Jose y Juan. __________
a. Somos padres
b. Son gemelos
c. Eres hijo único
d. Son jóvenes

29. Roberta e Ines van a ______ casa a las tres.
a. sus
b. su
c. blanca
d. de Ines

30. ¿Qué te gusta más, el gato o el perro?
a. Me gusta más el perro
b. Los gatos negros son feos
c. Mi perro se llama Rey
d. No me gustan tus gatos


23D: yes

24: You must answer in the "we" form
25C: Yes, but 25d would also make sense.
26B: Probably right, since two cousins with the same birthday are probably twins. However I have two sons born on Feb 24 who are not twins. They were born four years apart. So 26D could also be correct, if the cousins are young.
29: Not a. "Casa" is singular.
30A: Yes. "d" does not work since there is only one cat and one dog.

Just adding on to drwls's great answers. :) Post back when you've made corrections.

24. What did you (all) read? We all read __________.

3 things

24 = C

25 = sorry, but d does NOT make sense because in Spanish with age, one uses tener and not ser = tiene setenta y cinco años (for example)

29 = b


23. To answer this question correctly, you need to understand the context and choose the appropriate word. The question is asking who needs help at home. The response given is "Because my mother is sick today." So, the correct word to fill in the blank is "Quién" (c), which means "who" in English.

24. To answer this question correctly, you need to understand the question and choose the response that makes sense. The question is asking what the person or group mentioned is reading. Among the given options, "Leemos libros" (c) is the correct response, which means "We read books" in English.

25. To answer this question correctly, you need to choose the word or phrase that fits logically and grammatically. The sentence states that "I am young" and "My grandfather is ______." Among the given options, "viejo" (c) is the correct word, which means "old" in English.

26. To answer this question correctly, you need to understand the context and choose the appropriate response. The sentence states that "The third of February is the birthday of my cousins Jose and Juan." Among the given options, "Son gemelos" (b) is the correct response, which means "They are twins" in English.

29. To answer this question correctly, you need to understand the context and choose the appropriate word. The sentence states that "Roberta and Ines will go to ______ house at three o'clock." Among the given options, "sus" (a) is the correct response, which means "their" in English.

30. To answer this question correctly, you need to choose the response that corresponds to the given question. The question is asking for a preference between cats (gato) and dogs (perro). Among the given options, "Me gusta más el perro" (a) is the correct response, which means "I like dogs more" in English.

So, the correct answers are:
23. c. Quién
24. c. Leemos libros
25. c. viejo
26. b. Son gemelos
29. a. sus
30. a. Me gusta más el perro