We have to define the stages of economic growth and place one Latin America country under each stage.

One of the stages is capital intensive. Wealth is created through the efficient use of money. Industrailziation manufacturing occurs. Investment/loans to make more money. Loans equal interest and investment and investement stocks equal a share of busineess and a share of profit.

What Latin America country would I put under this stage. I already used Brazil for the other stage.

To determine which Latin American country fits the capital intensive stage of economic growth, we need to consider countries that have experienced significant industrialization and have a focus on manufacturing, as well as countries that actively attract investments and rely on loans and investments to generate wealth.

One Latin American country that aligns with these characteristics is Mexico. Mexico has seen substantial industrialization over the years, particularly in the automotive, aerospace, and electronics sectors. The country has a strong manufacturing base and is known for its maquiladora manufacturing plants that import raw materials duty-free and export finished products.

Mexico also attracts foreign direct investment (FDI) and offers various incentives to foreign investors, such as reduced corporate tax rates and free trade agreements with numerous countries. Additionally, the country has a well-developed financial system that provides access to loans for businesses and individuals.

It is important to note that the categorization of countries into specific stages of economic growth is subjective and can change over time. Different sources or economists may classify countries differently based on various criteria and indicators.