put these in order from least to greatest. 0.145,0.15,0.155,0.1

Can someone please help me somehow a tip would be more useful than the answer though

Pick whether you like to work with fractions or decimals better. Convert all of the numbers to be all fractions or all decimals (whichever one you prefer will work).

Of course! I'd be happy to help. When ordering numbers from least to greatest, it's important to compare the decimals or fractions to determine their relative sizes. Here's how you can do that:

1. For the first set of numbers: 0.145, 0.15, 0.155, 0.1

Start by comparing the tenths place of each number:
- 0.1 has the smallest value because it has 0 in the tenths place.
- 0.145 comes next because it has a 4 in the tenths place.
- 0.15 comes after because it has a 5 in the tenths place.
- 0.155 has the greatest value because it has a 5 in the tenths place.

So, the correct order from least to greatest is: 0.1, 0.145, 0.15, 0.155.

2. For the second set of numbers: 1/12, 0.12, 1/20, 0.20, 1/6, 0.6, 0.06, 0.16

If you have a mix of fractions and decimals, it's often helpful to convert everything into decimals or everything into fractions. Let's convert the fractions into decimals:

- 1/12 is approximately 0.0833 (rounded to four decimal places)
- 1/20 is 0.05
- 1/6 is approximately 0.1667 (rounded to four decimal places)

Now, let's order the decimals and fractions from least to greatest:
- 0.05 is the smallest value.
- 0.06 comes next.
- 0.12 is after that.
- 0.16 comes after 0.12.
- 0.0833 is next.
- 0.1667 is the second-largest value.
- 0.20 is the largest value.

The correct order from least to greatest is: 0.05, 0.06, 0.12, 0.16, 0.0833, 0.1667, 0.20.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.