what is the removal of small loose particles of rock by the wind


9 letters

The removal of small loose particles of rock by the wind is known as "deflation."

To find the answer yourself, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by understanding the question and key terms: The question is asking for a term that describes the process of wind removing small loose particles of rock. The key terms to note are "removal," "small loose particles," and "rock."

2. Break down the hint: The hint provided states that the answer consists of 9 letters. This information is useful for narrowing down possible answers.

3. Consider relevant terms: Think about terms associated with the process of wind removing rock particles. Some terms that might come to mind are "erosion," "sediment," or "weathering." However, none of these terms match the given hint of 9 letters.

4. Think of other terms or look for synonyms: Consider using other words to describe the process. One such term is "deflation" which matches the hint of 9 letters. Deflation is the process in which wind removes small loose particles of rock.

So, the answer to the question "What is the removal of small loose particles of rock by the wind?" is "deflation."