A "tenant strike" occurs when labor refuses to work, but also refuses to leave its workplace to keep the company from using replacement workers. I put false and replaced it with sit-down strike.

Before he left office, Eisenhower warned against the increasing power of "decentralization." I put false and replaced it with militarism.

The "Domino Theory" states that if one country becomes communist or unfriendly, others nearby will become unfriendly to the US also. I put true.

The informal end of hostilities when the countries involved in a war agree to stop fighting is a "treaty". I put false and replaced it with armistice.

All are correct!

thanks Ms.Sue , I have two more questions. You're a great help!

In "salutary neglect", a nation colonizes to create wealth for itself and to create markets for its goods. I know its false but I'm not sure what the term is.

The process of handing out jobs to one's supporters is known as the "citizen system." I put false and replaced it with spoils system.

1. Imperialism?

2. Right.

You're welcome.

It's rewarding to work with students who have obviously studied before answering the questions! :-)

Yes it's good to study before you ask someone for help! :)

For the salutary neglect question, I think it might be true because I found this : England’s policy of Salutary Neglect intended to keep the American colonies obedient to England by allowing the enforcement of the Navigation Acts to be relaxed. During the periods of salutary neglect, American colonies nearly evolved into an independent political and economic system. The upside is that it made Britain a very wealthy and powerful nation and when England attempted to rein in the colonist it backfired and in the end led to the American Revolution

The paragraph you quoted describes "salutary neglect" as an action to appease restless or rebellious colonists. It doesn't describe the initial colonization and its purpose.

Oh I see so it's not salutary neglect? I don't think it's imperialism because imperialism is the attempt to create an empire, either directly or through economic or political dominance. & this says "a nation colonizes to create wealth for itself and to create markets for its goods."

An empire colonizes to create wealth and markets for its goods. Why else would a country go to the trouble and expense to be imperialistic?

I found an answer, mercantilism. I think this is right. But yeah you are right!

Yes. Mercantilism could also work -- except that the meaning of mercantilism doesn't include colonization.

the definition for mercantilism in my textbook is: the theory that money, especially gold and silver, is what makes a nation powerful. As applied to colonies, this meant that they existed only in order to enrich the mother country.