kanyadoon express runs between dehradun and kanyakumari. for up & down train journey, kanyadoon express starts at 0900 hours everyday at both ends and reaches the destination at 0930 hours after three days. rahul travelled by kanyadoon express from kanyakumari to dehradun. how many kanyadoon express trains did he cross in route coming from opposite direction?

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To determine how many Kanyadoon Express trains Rahul crossed in the opposite direction while traveling from Kanyakumari to Dehradun, we need to calculate the number of trains that started from Dehradun during the time interval in which Rahul was traveling.

Let's break down the information given. The Kanyadoon Express starts at 0900 hours every day from both ends (Dehradun and Kanyakumari) and reaches the destination at 0930 hours after three days.

Rahul traveled from Kanyakumari to Dehradun, so we need to determine how many trains departed from Dehradun during the time Rahul was on his journey.

Here's a step-by-step approach to calculate it:

1. Calculate the time it took for Rahul to travel from Kanyakumari to Dehradun:
Since the train takes three days to reach the destination, the total travel time is 3 days.
Since the train starts at 0900 hours both ends, we can assume Rahul started his journey at 0900 hours from Kanyakumari.
Therefore, he reached Dehradun after 72 hours (3 days x 24 hours/day).

2. Determine the number of trains departing from Dehradun during this time:
Since each train takes 3 days to complete the journey, we can divide the total travel time (72 hours) by the time taken for one train's journey (72 hours / 72 hours/train).
This gives us the number of trains that departed in the opposite direction during Rahul's journey.

3. Calculate the number of trains Rahul crossed in the opposite direction:
Since Rahul crossed the trains going in the opposite direction, the number of trains he crossed would be equal to the number of trains departing from Dehradun during his journey.

By following these steps, we can calculate the number of Kanyadoon Express trains Rahul crossed in the opposite direction while traveling from Kanyakumari to Dehradun.