y= 6x is written as:

Choices y = log(6)x
x = log(6)y

I chose y = log(6)x, correct?I did the inverse so x = 6^x
isolate y so it becomes y = log(6)x

did you mean

y = 6^x

if so, then
log6y = x

yes, I forgot the symbol-thank you

No, your initial choice was incorrect. The correct equation for y = 6x is indeed y = 6x. It is a linear equation where y is directly proportional to x with a slope of 6. The choices y = log(6)x and x = log(6)y do not represent the original equation correctly.

No, the correct expression for y = 6x is y = 6x. It is not equivalent to y = log(6)x or x = log(6)y.

To determine the correct expression, we need to understand the relationship between the given equation and logarithms. The equation y = 6x represents a simple linear relationship between y and x, where y is equal to 6 multiplied by x. There is no need to use logarithms in this case.

If you were looking to isolate x in terms of y, you can rearrange the equation as follows:

y = 6x
Divide both sides by 6:
y/6 = x

So, the correct expression for isolating x in terms of y is x = y/6.