Characteristics that give birds the energy they need to fly long distances are

a. strong breast muscles and wings.
b. aerodynamic feathers and lightweight bones.
c. divided ventricle and air sacs in lungs.
d. endothermic metabolism and fused bones.


Yes, the correct answer is C: divided ventricle and air sacs in lungs.

To understand why this is the correct answer, let's break down each option and see why the others are not suitable choices:

a. Strong breast muscles and wings: While strong breast muscles and wings are important for flight, they are not the main characteristic giving birds the energy they need for long-distance flights. Many other animals also have strong muscles and wings but cannot fly long distances.

b. Aerodynamic feathers and lightweight bones: Again, aerodynamic feathers and lightweight bones are necessary for flight, but they do not directly provide birds with the energy they need for long-distance flights.

d. Endothermic metabolism and fused bones: While endothermic metabolism (the ability to generate body heat internally) and fused bones (which provide stability during flight) are important adaptations for birds, they do not specifically give them the energy required for long-distance flights.

Now let's explore why option C is the correct choice:

c. Divided ventricle and air sacs in lungs: This is the most important characteristic giving birds the energy they need for long-distance flights. Unlike mammals and other animals, birds have a unique respiratory system that allows for efficient oxygen exchange during flight. They have a divided ventricle in their heart, which ensures that oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood do not mix, allowing for a continuous supply of oxygen to the muscles and tissues. Additionally, birds have air sacs in their lungs, which act as reservoirs to ensure a constant supply of oxygen, even during strenuous activity like flying.

In summary, while all the options mentioned are important adaptations for birds to fly, the most crucial characteristic that gives birds the energy they need for long-distance flights is the presence of divided ventricles and air sacs in their lungs (option C).