A turtle moves 3.5m [E] in 136 s and then moves 1.7m [W] in 88 s.

a) What is the average speed of the turtle?

b) What is the average velocity of the turtle?

average speed:

= 3.5m + 1.7m = 5.2m/ 224s
= 0.024m/s

average velocity:??????????

Have I calculated speed correctly?

speed is correct.

avg velocity=dislacement/time
= (3.5E+1.7W)/time= 1.8m/224s East

Thanks bobpursley.

would the answer be 0.008 or 0.0080m/s [E]?

Velocity needs both Magnitude (speed) AND Direction.

Yes, you have correctly calculated the average speed of the turtle. The formula for average speed is distance divided by time, which in this case is (3.5m + 1.7m) / (136s + 88s) = 5.2m / 224s = 0.024m/s.

To calculate the average velocity of the turtle, we need to consider both the magnitude and direction of its displacement. Velocity is defined as displacement divided by time.

The displacement for the first leg of the journey (3.5m east) is +3.5m in the positive direction.

The displacement for the second leg of the journey (1.7m west) is -1.7m in the negative direction.

To find the total displacement, we need to add these two displacements: +3.5m + (-1.7m) = +1.8m east.

Therefore, the average velocity of the turtle is +1.8m east divided by the total time taken, which is 224s.

Average velocity = (+1.8m) / (224s)

So, the average velocity of the turtle would be positive 1.8 meters per 224 seconds, or approximately 0.008m/s.