Graph the function. Compare the graph with the graph of f(x)=x


How would I do this?
Cause, I do know that f is the same thing as y
and so that in the problem it'd be y=x-1

Could somebody please explain how to do this STEP by STEP?

actually, why not graph both on the same graph, and see for yourself. I hope you see that they are the same shape, except on is displaced to the right by one unit.

I did see that.. one's a little to the right.

Thank you.

To graph the function q(x) = x - 1, we can follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Understand the equation:
The equation q(x) = x - 1 represents a linear function. It tells us that the value of q(x) is obtained by subtracting 1 from the input value x.

Step 2: Choose a range of values for x:
To graph the function, we need to determine the range of x-values to plot. We can choose any range that gives a clear representation of the function. Let's pick a range from -5 to 5 for this example.

Step 3: Create a table of values:
We'll start by creating a table of values to determine the corresponding y-values for each x-value. Choose several x-values within the chosen range and calculate the corresponding y-values by substituting them into the equation q(x) = x - 1.

For example:
x | q(x) = x - 1
-5 | -5 - 1 = -6
-3 | -3 - 1 = -4
-1 | -1 - 1 = -2
0 | 0 - 1 = -1
1 | 1 - 1 = 0
3 | 3 - 1 = 2
5 | 5 - 1 = 4

Step 4: Plot the points on a graph:
Now that we have our table of values, we can plot the points (x, y) on a graph. Use the x-values as the horizontal axis and the corresponding y-values as the vertical axis.

Step 5: Connect the points:
After plotting the points, connect them using a straight line. Since the equation represents a linear function, the graph will be a straight line. Make sure to extend the line beyond the plotted points to indicate the behavior of the function outside the chosen range.

Step 6: Compare with the graph of f(x) = x:
To compare the graph of q(x) = x - 1 with f(x) = x, you can place the graphs side by side or overlay them on the same graph. Both functions represent linear equations, but they have different y-intercepts. The graph of f(x) = x has a y-intercept of 0, while q(x) = x - 1 has a y-intercept of -1.

By following these steps, you should be able to graph the function q(x) = x - 1 and compare it with the graph of f(x) = x.