1. How do you pronounce 'mouths'? (plural form)

Can we omit the 'th' sound in normal speech?

2. clothes
(We can omit the 'th' sound in this word, right?)

The "th" should be prounced in both cases. It would be a "soft" th sound, as in "mother".

If you don't pronounce the th, you will be saying "mouse" and "close". People will regard your pronunciation as sloppy, but will probably know what you mean from the context.

1. To pronounce the plural form of "mouths," you would say it as "mowths" with the "ow" sound like in the word "now" and then the "ths" sound like in the word "teeth." The "th" sound is an important part of the word, and it is typically not omitted in normal speech. However, it is important to note that pronunciation can vary between dialects and regions, so there might be some individuals or accents where the "th" sound may be replaced or altered.

If you find the "th" sound difficult to pronounce, there are a few tips to help with the pronunciation. For the voiceless "th" sound, place your tongue gently between your top and bottom teeth, and blow air out. For the voiced "th" sound, the tongue is in the same position but also vibrates as you blow air out. Practice and repetition can help improve pronunciation, and it's always helpful to listen to native speakers or audio recordings for guidance.

2. For the word "clothes," you are correct that the "th" sound can be omitted in some pronunciations or accents. In casual speech or certain dialects, it is common to hear people say "close" instead of "clothes." This substitute pronunciation has become widely accepted in many English-speaking countries. However, in formal or more standard speech, it is recommended to pronounce the word with the "th" sound as in "kloz" (with the "o" sound like in "hot") to maintain clarity and accuracy.

Remember that pronunciation can vary depending on regional accents and personal preferences, so there might be different ways to pronounce certain words. It is always beneficial to listen to native speakers or audio recordings to hear different pronunciations and find the one that suits your needs or preferences.