Multiple select

These cultural characteristics indicate the influence of the early colonists in Latin American.

1) Spanish is the official language of most countries.
2) Roman Catholicism is the most widely practiced religion.
3) Native Americans speak traditional languages.
4) Calypso music is the most popular music form.
5) African folk religions are practiced in the Caribbean.

i need help. i'm not finding much of anything in the recent lesson to help me with this.

thank you so much!

You're very welcome.

which two governments governed most of central america

To determine which cultural characteristics indicate the influence of the early colonists in Latin America, let's go through each statement and assess if it aligns with the influence of the early colonists:

1) Spanish is the official language of most countries: This statement indicates the influence of the early colonists, as Spain was the major colonizing power in Latin America, and Spanish is widely spoken across the region. So, it can be selected.

2) Roman Catholicism is the most widely practiced religion: This statement also indicates the influence of the early colonists. The Spanish colonizers brought Catholicism to Latin America, and it became the dominant religion in the region. Therefore, it can be selected.

3) Native Americans speak traditional languages: This statement does not directly indicate the influence of the early colonists. Native Americans in Latin America had their own languages before the arrival of colonizers, so it is not a direct result of colonization. This statement should not be selected.

4) Calypso music is the most popular music form: Calypso music is associated with the Caribbean, which was heavily influenced by the African diaspora due to the transatlantic slave trade. While it is influenced by colonization and the mixing of cultures, it is more related to the impact of the African diaspora than the early colonists. This statement should not be selected.

5) African folk religions are practiced in the Caribbean: This statement suggests the influence of the early colonists and the African diaspora. African slaves brought their religious practices to the Caribbean, and these religions, such as Vodou or Santeria, have persisted in the region. Therefore, it can be selected.

Based on the assessment, the correct selections for the cultural characteristics indicating the influence of early colonists in Latin America are:

1) Spanish is the official language of most countries.
2) Roman Catholicism is the most widely practiced religion.
5) African folk religions are practiced in the Caribbean.

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