a 5% acetic acid solution contains -----grams of acetic acid per ------

To find the grams of acetic acid per unit, we need more information. Please provide the volume of the 5% acetic acid solution.

To determine how many grams of acetic acid are in a 5% acetic acid solution, we need to know the volume of the solution. The term "5% acetic acid solution" refers to a solution in which 5% of its total volume is acetic acid.

Let's assume we have 100 grams of the 5% acetic acid solution (since it's a common reference point), and we'll calculate the amount of acetic acid in it.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal:
5% = 5/100 = 0.05

Step 2: Calculate the mass of acetic acid:
Mass of acetic acid = 0.05 x 100 grams = 5 grams

Therefore, a 5% acetic acid solution contains 5 grams of acetic acid per 100 grams (or per 100 mL) of solution.

5% (by mass) means 5 g in 100 g solution.