59. ¿Con ____ vas al cine?

a. qué
b. quién
c. qué estación
d. cuál

60. No estoy bien. Estoy ______.
a. enferma
b. ocupada
c. deportista
d. graciosa

61. No quiero ir el fin de semana. Voy a ir ______.
a. el sábado
b. el martes
c. los sábados
d. el sábado y el domingo

62. El pasatiempo que me gusta más es _____.
a. poder
b. tener
c. las dos
d. jugar videojuegos

63. Me gusta ir al cine ____ viernes.
a. los
b. en
c. por
d. de


63 must be A as "los viernes" means On Fridays.

Perfect the rest. Actually to play a game SHOULD be jugar a + game. What textbook are you using that does NOT use that idiom?


It's called Paso a Paso


59. ¿Con ____ vas al cine?

a. qué
b. quién
c. qué estación
d. cuál
To answer this question, you need to determine the correct pronoun to use when asking someone who they go to the cinema with. In this case, the correct pronoun would be "quién," which means "who" in English. Therefore, the correct answer is b. quién.

60. No estoy bien. Estoy ______.
a. enferma
b. ocupada
c. deportista
d. graciosa
To answer this question, you need to determine the appropriate adjective to complete the sentence and describe how the person is feeling. In this case, the correct adjective to use would be "enferma," which means "sick" in English. Therefore, the correct answer is a. enferma.

61. No quiero ir el fin de semana. Voy a ir ______.
a. el sábado
b. el martes
c. los sábados
d. el sábado y el domingo
To answer this question, you need to determine the correct day or days to fill in the blank and complete the sentence. In this case, the correct day to use would be "el martes," which means "on Tuesday" in English. Therefore, the correct answer is b. el martes.

62. El pasatiempo que me gusta más es _____.
a. poder
b. tener
c. las dos
d. jugar videojuegos
To answer this question, you need to determine the correct phrase to complete the sentence and express which hobby the person likes the most. In this case, the correct phrase to use would be "jugar videojuegos," which means "playing video games" in English. Therefore, the correct answer is d. jugar videojuegos.

63. Me gusta ir al cine ____ viernes.
a. los
b. en
c. por
d. de
To answer this question, you need to determine the correct preposition to use when talking about the days of the week. In this case, the correct preposition to use would be "los," which means "on" in English. Therefore, the correct answer is a. los.