Substances A, B, and C can all act as oxidizing agents. In solution, A is green, B is yellow, and C is red. In the reactions in which they participate, they are reduced to A-, B-, and C- ions, all of which are colorless. When a solution of C is mixed with one containing A- ions, the color changes from red to green.

1) Which species is oxidized?
2) Which is reduced?

red (C) goes to colorless (C-) and A- (colorless) goes to green (A).

C + e ==> C-
A- ==> A + e
Oxidation is the loss of electrons.
Reduction is the gain of elec

To determine which species is oxidized and which is reduced, we need to understand the concept of oxidation and reduction in chemical reactions.

1) Oxidation: Oxidation involves the loss of electrons or an increase in oxidation state. The substance undergoing oxidation is often referred to as the reducing agent since it donates electrons to another substance.

2) Reduction: Reduction involves the gain of electrons or a decrease in oxidation state. The substance undergoing reduction is often referred to as the oxidizing agent since it accepts electrons from another substance.

Now, let's analyze the given information.

In the reaction between substances A, B, and C, they all act as oxidizing agents. An oxidizing agent is a substance that causes oxidation in another substance while being reduced itself.

We know that in solution, A is green, B is yellow, and C is red. In the reactions they participate in, they are reduced to A-, B-, and C- ions, which are all colorless. This implies that the ions are no longer responsible for the color.

When a solution of C is mixed with one containing A- ions, the color changes from red to green. This color change suggests that the oxidizing agent C has reacted with the reducing agent A- and caused some form of chemical transformation.

Based on this information, we can conclude the following:

1) The species that is oxidized is A-. A- donates electrons and undergoes oxidation, resulting in the color change from green to red.

2) The species that is reduced is C. C accepts electrons and undergoes reduction, resulting in the color change from red to green.

Therefore, A- is oxidized, and C is reduced in the reaction.