C=mx+b b flat monthl rate m represents cost in dollar perminute x number of minute used in month 73 minute

To find the cost (C) of 73 minutes of usage, we need to use the formula C = mx + b, where m represents the cost in dollars per minute and b represents the flat monthly rate.

Let's break it down step-by-step:

Step 1: Identify the given values:
- Number of minutes used in the month (x) = 73

Step 2: Determine the values of m and b:
Since the values of m and b are not provided in the question, we won't be able to find the exact cost using the given formula. We need the values of m (cost per minute) and b (flat monthly rate) in order to calculate the cost for 73 minutes.

Step 3: Find the values of m and b:
You would need information about the cost per minute (m) and the flat monthly rate (b) from a specific telecommunication plan or service provider. Without these values, it is not possible to calculate the cost for 73 minutes.

Step 4: Calculate the cost for 73 minutes:
Once you have the values of m (cost per minute) and b (flat monthly rate), you can substitute them into the formula C = mx + b.

For example, if the cost per minute (m) is $0.10 and the flat monthly rate (b) is $20, the formula would be:
C = (0.10 * 73) + 20

By substituting the values, you can calculate the specific cost for 73 minutes based on the given m and b.

So, in order to calculate the cost for 73 minutes, you will need the values of m (cost per minute) and b (flat monthly rate) from a specific telecommunication plan or service provider.