Find the distance between riverside and milton if they are 12 cm apart on a map with a scale of 4 cm : 21 km

The final answer is x= 63 km?

Right! :-)

To find the distance between Riverside and Milton, given that they are 12 cm apart on a map with a scale of 4 cm : 21 km, you can use the following steps:

1. Determine the ratio of centimeters on the map to kilometers in real life using the scale provided. In this case, the ratio is 4 cm : 21 km.

2. If 4 cm on the map represents 21 km in real life, you can set up a proportion to solve for the distance in kilometers for 12 cm on the map. The setup would look like this:

4 cm x km
------ = ------
12 cm 21 km

3. Cross-multiply and solve for x:

4 cm * 21 km = 12 cm * x km

84 km = 12 cm * x km

84 km = 12x km

4. Divide both sides of the equation by 12 to solve for x:

84 km / 12 = x km

7 km = x km

Therefore, the distance between Riverside and Milton is 7 km, not 63 km. It seems there was an error in calculation.