A map has a scale of 3 cm : 18 km. If Riversaid and Smithville are 54 km apart, then they are how far apart on the map?

how would I set the up as a proportion?

3/18 = x/54

Cross multiply and solve for x.


Right. x = 9 cm

To set up a proportion, you need to establish the relationship between the distances on the map and in real life using the given scale. In this case, the scale is 3 cm : 18 km.

Let's assume x represents the distance between Riversaid and Smithville on the map. We want to find the value of x.

The proportion can be set up as follows:

[Distance on map] / [Distance in real life] = [x] / [54 km]

Using the scale, we can substitute the distances as follows:

(x cm) / (18 km) = (x) / (54 km)

Now we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

54 km * x cm = 18 km * x
54x = 18x
36x = 0

Dividing both sides by 36, we get:

x = 0

Therefore, according to the given information, the distance between Riversaid and Smithville on the map is 0 cm.