35. -"¿_____hablas?"

-"Pues, inglés y español."
a. Cómo
b. Qué
c. Dónde
d. Quién

37. Pues, necesito _____ carpeta para la clase de español.
a. un
b. dos
c. una
d. mucha

38. -"¿Estudian Uds. para la clase de matemáticas?"
-"No, _____ para la clase de ciencias."
a. estudio
b. estudiamos
c. estudias
d. estudiáis

39. En la ______ hora, tengo la clase de educación física.
a. primer
b. ahora
c. séptimo
d. quinta

40. Señora, ¿necesita ____ el marcador ahora?
a. tú
b. Ud
c. nosotros
d. no

41. Pablo y yo ____ para la clase de español.
a. cocino
b. cocinas
c. cocinamos
d. cocinan

42. -"¿Qué _____?"
-"Toco la guitarra."
a. tocan
b. tocamos
c. tocáis
d. tocas
C or D?


Much better! 42. is the only one to cause you trouble. Since the answer is singular, "I play the guitar" the question must be singular also. 3 of the 4 are plural and "tocáis" is the vosotros/vosotras or familiar PLURAL form. The choice IS D. "What do you play?" That question gets you the answer you see.

The key is to always know if the verb will be singular or plural.

Good job!




35. -"¿_____hablas?"

-"Pues, inglés y español."
a. Cómo
b. Qué
c. Dónde
d. Quién

The correct answer is b. Qué.

To get this answer, you need to understand that the question is asking which languages the person speaks. The response "Pues, inglés y español" indicates that they speak English and Spanish. Therefore, the appropriate question word to use would be "Qué" which means "What" in English.

37. Pues, necesito _____ carpeta para la clase de español.
a. un
b. dos
c. una
d. mucha

The correct answer is c. una.

To answer this question, you need to identify that the person needs one folder for their Spanish class. The word "necesito" indicates that they need something, and the response "Pues, necesito _____ carpeta" means "Well, I need _____ folder." Since they only need one folder, the appropriate answer is "una" which means "one" in English.

38. -"¿Estudian Uds. para la clase de matemáticas?"
-"No, _____ para la clase de ciencias."
a. estudio
b. estudiamos
c. estudias
d. estudiáis

The correct answer is b. estudiamos.

To determine the correct answer, you need to understand that the question is asking if "you all" (Uds.) study for math class. The response "No, _____ para la clase de ciencias" means "No, _____ for the science class." Using the word "No" indicates a negation, meaning they do not study for math but for science instead. Since the response is in the 1st person plural form ("we"), the appropriate answer is "estudiamos" which means "we study" in English.

39. En la ______ hora, tengo la clase de educación física.
a. primer
b. ahora
c. séptimo
d. quinta

The correct answer is d. quinta.

To find the correct answer, you need to determine which hour the person has their physical education class. The sentence "En la ______ hora, tengo la clase de educación física" translates to "In the ______ hour, I have physical education class." The word "quinta" means "fifth" in English, so it would be the appropriate answer for the fifth hour.

40. Señora, ¿necesita ____ el marcador ahora?
a. tú
b. Ud
c. nosotros
d. no

The correct answer is b. Ud.

To find the correct answer, you need to understand that the question is asking if the "Señora" needs the marker now. The sentence "Señora, ¿necesita ____ el marcador ahora?" translates to "Ma'am, do you need ____ the marker now?" The word "Ud" is short for "usted," which is the formal "you" form in Spanish. Therefore, the appropriate answer is "Ud" or "you" in English.

41. Pablo y yo ____ para la clase de español.
a. cocino
b. cocinas
c. cocinamos
d. cocinan

The correct answer is c. cocinamos.

To determine the correct answer, you need to understand that the sentence is talking about what Pablo and I do for Spanish class. The sentence "Pablo y yo ____ para la clase de español" translates to "Pablo and I ____ for Spanish class." Since the subject is "Pablo y yo" (Pablo and I), the appropriate answer is the 1st person plural form "cocinamos" which means "we cook" in English.

42. -"¿Qué _____?"
-"Toco la guitarra."
a. tocan
b. tocamos
c. tocáis
d. tocas

The correct answer is d. tocas.

To find the correct answer, you need to understand that the question is asking about what the person does. The sentence "¿Qué _____?" translates to "What do you ____?" The response "Toco la guitarra" means "I play the guitar." Since the response is in the 1st person singular form ("I"), the appropriate answer is "tocas" which means "you play" in English.

Therefore, the correct answers are:
35. b. Qué
37. c. una
38. b. estudiamos
39. d. quinta
40. b. Ud
41. c. cocinamos
42. d. tocas