when was Victorian Bouquet painted by Severin Roesen?

To find out when the painting "Victorian Bouquet" was painted by Severin Roesen, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your preferred web browser and search for "Severin Roesen Victorian Bouquet painting."

2. Look for reliable sources such as art databases, museum websites, or art history websites that may have information about the painting.

3. Once you find a website or source that provides information about the painting, look for details about the date it was painted. It is common for such sources to include the date or at least an estimated time period.

4. Read the description or article about the painting to see if it mentions the specific year or period when "Victorian Bouquet" was created. This information is typically mentioned in the context of the artist's works or in the description of the painting itself.

5. Take note of the information provided and confirm if multiple sources corroborate the same date for "Victorian Bouquet" by Severin Roesen. This will help ensure that the information is reliable and accurate.

Using these steps should enable you to find the answer to when the painting "Victorian Bouquet" was painted by Severin Roesen.