Which hemisphere is larger, The Eastern or Western?

Can you please give me a web site to look at for this answer. I find it to be that they are the same size, but in terms of landmass the Eastern hemisphere is larger. Is that correct?

Check this site. Remember that Europe, Asia, and Australia, and the larger part of Africa are in the Eastern Hemisphere. The Americas are in the western Hemisphere. Antarctica is divided between the two.


The Eastern and Western hemispheres are divided by the Prime Meridian, which runs through Greenwich, England. To determine which hemisphere is larger, we need to compare their respective landmasses.

To find accurate information and compare the landmasses of the Eastern and Western hemispheres, you can refer to reliable sources such as global statistical databases, geographical atlases, or reputable educational websites. These sources will provide you with up-to-date information and accurate comparisons.

One reliable source you could use to find this information is the Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook. Their website provides detailed information about countries, including land area, allowing you to compare the landmasses of each hemisphere. The website is: www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook.

It's important to gather information from multiple sources to cross-reference and ensure accuracy.