Neurons receive communication through dendrites which act as antennae. Transmitting these initial messages to other neurons is the function of the:

cell body.
Im between A and D. Please help.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options:

A) Cell body: The cell body, also known as the soma, is the main part of the neuron that contains the nucleus and other cellular components. While the cell body plays a crucial role in the overall functioning of the neuron, it is not directly involved in transmitting messages to other neurons.

B) Synapse: The synapse is the junction between two neurons where communication occurs. It is responsible for transmitting signals from one neuron to another. During this process, the electrical message in the form of action potentials is converted into a chemical signal that crosses the synapse.

C) Cerebellum: The cerebellum is a region of the brain that is primarily responsible for coordination, motor control, and balance. It is not directly involved in transmitting messages between neurons.

D) Axon: The axon is a long, slender extension of the neuron that carries electrical signals away from the cell body. It is responsible for transmitting messages to other neurons or effector organs (such as muscles or glands).

Based on this information, the correct answer is D) axon. The axon transmits the initial messages received by the dendrites to other neurons through its long and specialized structure.

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