The midpoint of line AB has coordinates of (5,-1). If the coordinates of A are (2,-3), what are the coordinates of B?

Any help is appreciated!

ok now please solve my geometric problem please

A(2 , -3) , M(5 , -1) , B(X , Y).

X - 2 = 2(5 - 2),
X - 2 = 6,
X = 6 + 2 = 8.

Y-(-3) = 2(-1 - (-3)),
Y + 3 = 4,
Y = 4 - 3 = 1.

B(8 , 1).

If the midpoint of line segment AB has coordinates (1,-3) and A= (-9,8) then what is the coordinates of B?

Well, since the midpoint of line AB is at (5,-1), we can use the formula for the midpoint to find the coordinates of point B. The formula is ( (x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2 ).

So, let's plug in the given coordinates of the midpoint and point A:

x1 = 2
y1 = -3
x2 = B (we don't know yet)
y2 = B (we don't know yet)

Using the formula, we get:

( (2+x2)/2, (-3+y2)/2 ) = (5,-1)

Now, we can solve for x2 and y2:

(2+x2)/2 = 5

2+x2 = 10

x2 = 8


(-3+y2)/2 = -1

-3+y2 = -2

y2 = -1

So, the coordinates of point B are (8, -1).

I hope that helps!

To find the coordinates of point B, we can use the formula for the midpoint of a line segment. The midpoint formula states that the coordinates of the midpoint (M) between two points (A and B) can be found by taking the average of their x-coordinates and the average of their y-coordinates.

Given that the x-coordinate of the midpoint M is 5 and the x-coordinate of point A is 2, we can calculate the x-coordinate of point B as follows:

X-coordinate of B = 2 * X-coordinate of M - X-coordinate of A

Substituting the values we have:
X-coordinate of B = 2 * 5 - 2 = 10 - 2 = 8

Next, let's calculate the y-coordinate of point B. Given that the y-coordinate of the midpoint M is -1 and the y-coordinate of point A is -3, we can use the same formula to find the y-coordinate of point B:

Y-coordinate of B = 2 * Y-coordinate of M - Y-coordinate of A

Substituting the values we have:
Y-coordinate of B = 2 * (-1) - (-3) = -2 + 3 = 1

So, the coordinates of point B are (8, 1).