Are there any book or websites that help me answer this question...

Has Britains obsession with celebrity culture gone too far?

There are several books and websites that can help you explore the question of whether Britain's obsession with celebrity culture has gone too far. Here's how you can find them:

1. Books: Start by searching for books on the topic using online bookstores or library databases. Some recommended books include:
- "Consuming Celebrity: Exploring Celebrity Culture Through Prism of Starstruck" by J. Turner
- "Celebrity Culture" by Ellis Cashmore
- "The Death of Celebrity" by Marc Edge
- "The Celebrity Culture Reader" by P. David Marshall

2. Websites: Online platforms can provide a wide range of views and analysis on the subject. To find websites discussing Britain's obsession with celebrity culture, try these steps:
- Use search engines like Google or Bing and enter relevant keywords such as "Britain celebrity culture" or "celebrity culture obsession in Britain."
- Explore news websites, magazines, and online articles that cover topics related to popular culture, media, or society.
- Look for reputable sources, academic journals, or think tank websites that delve into the societal impact of celebrity culture.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find, considering their credibility, expertise, and ideological biases. This way, you will gain a more comprehensive understanding of the topic and be able to form your own informed opinion.