x + 4 2/3 = 6

x + 14/3 = 18/3

x = 4/3 = 1 1/3

How did you 18/3?

18/3 = 6


To solve the equation x + 4 2/3 = 6, we need to isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Rewrite the mixed number 4 2/3 as an improper fraction.
4 2/3 = (4 * 3 + 2)/3 = 14/3

Step 2: Substitute the value of the improper fraction into the equation.
x + 14/3 = 6

Step 3: To isolate x, we need to get rid of the fraction. Multiply both sides of the equation by the denominator (3) to cancel out the fraction on the left side.
3(x + 14/3) = 3(6)
3x + 14 = 18

Step 4: Now, we isolate x by subtracting 14 from both sides of the equation.
3x + 14 - 14 = 18 - 14
3x = 4

Step 5: Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for x.
3x/3 = 4/3
x = 4/3

Therefore, the solution to the equation x + 4 2/3 = 6 is x = 4/3.