-1/3, 2/3, -5/6, -0.3

order from least to greatest

First change them to a common denominator.

-1/3 = -10/30
2/3 = 20/30
-5/6 = -25/30
-0.3 = -3/10 = -9/30

Can you see your answer now?

-25/30, -10/30, -9/30, 20/30?

To order the given numbers from least to greatest, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down all the numbers given: -1/3, 2/3, -5/6, -0.3
Step 2: Compare the numbers in pairs and arrange them in ascending order.
- Compare -1/3 and 2/3: -1/3 is smaller than 2/3.
- Compare 2/3 and -5/6: 2/3 is greater than -5/6.
- Compare -5/6 and -0.3: -5/6 is smaller than -0.3.
Step 3: Repeat step 2 until all the numbers are in order.
- Compare -1/3 and -5/6: -5/6 is smaller than -1/3.
- Compare -5/6 and -0.3: -0.3 is greater than -5/6.
Step 4: Write down the numbers in order, from least to greatest:
-5/6, -1/3, -0.3, 2/3

Therefore, the numbers -5/6, -1/3, -0.3, 2/3 are ordered from least to greatest.