poetry, part1

if this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved

There is no question here.

It's an example of a couplet.


The lines you provided are from William Shakespeare's Sonnet 116. It is a widely celebrated sonnet that explores the theme of true love and its endurance. In these lines, the speaker is expressing that if their definition of love is proven to be incorrect or flawed, then they assert that they have never written anything and no one has ever truly loved.

Sonnet 116 is a part of a collection of 154 sonnets written by William Shakespeare. These sonnets are known for their lyrical beauty, complex metaphors, and profound exploration of various themes such as love, time, beauty, and mortality.

If you would like to explore more of Shakespeare's poetry or specific sonnets, you can access complete collections of his works online or in books. Many websites offer free access to his sonnets, and you can also find various analyses and interpretations of his poetry to deepen your understanding. Additionally, libraries and bookstores often have collections of Shakespeare's works that you can explore.