Which is the correct answer?

------- your parents come from El Salvador? a.Are b.Do c.Does

Do your parents come from El Salvador?

Hi Patty. I am just curious if your main language is English or, if not, what it is. The only reason I ask is because students here in Taiwan have trouble with this question a lot. I'm wondering if it's also from other languages.

The correct answer is "b. Do".

To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the grammar rules for forming questions in English. In this case, the question is asking about the subject "your parents" and not using the auxiliary verb "do/does" to form the question.

To ask a question with the subject "your parents," we need to use the auxiliary verb "do" in the present simple tense. Therefore, the correct sentence structure is:

"Do your parents come from El Salvador?"

This question uses the auxiliary verb "do" to form the question correctly.