Does my hypothesis match with my intro? I'm writing a lab report.


The intention of this lab is to find the pH of different household material. Boiled red cabbage juice will be used as the pH indicator. pH is the chemical potential of hydrogen and the scale
of how acidic, neutral, or basic a substance is. Acidic substances are on a scale from 0 to 7 with
0 being more acidic and 7 being less acidic. Basic substances are on a scale from 7 to 14 with 7
being less basic and 14 being more basic. A pH of 7 is neutral.

In chemistry, an indicator is used to detect the existence of specific chemicals or types of chemicals. Red cabbage juice is an example of an acid-base indicator solution. Red cabbage contains the pigments flavonol and anthocyanin. These pigments cause solutions that have red cabbage indicator to change color.


I hypothesized that the pH of the different products I tested would be different.

To determine if your hypothesis matches with your introduction in your lab report, you need to consider the information provided in both sections.

In your introduction, you mention that boiled red cabbage juice will be used as the pH indicator, and you provide an explanation of pH, acidic substances, basic substances, and neutrality on the pH scale. Additionally, you explain that red cabbage juice contains pigments that cause color changes in solutions.

In your hypothesis, you state that the pH of the different products you tested would be different.

Based on this information, it seems that your hypothesis does align with your introduction. Your introduction introduces the concept of pH and the use of red cabbage juice as a pH indicator, while your hypothesis states that the pH of the different products will vary. This suggests that you are using the red cabbage juice as a means to test and determine the pH of these products.

To confirm if your hypothesis matches your introduction, carefully review both sections and make sure that your hypothesis is directly related to the concepts and objectives outlined in the introduction.