Imagine you are on a local commission appointed to study the lack of proper recreation facilities for youth in your neighborhood.

Decide what facilities should be recommended.

Write an appropriate resolution to be presented to your county government. Remember to give the reasons for your recommendation.

Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.

Please post what you think.


I think rather than just assuming that they want you to do their work for them maybe just list some ideas that relate to the question and give some details to go off like so:

A recreational center that could attend to all areas of a kids interest like: an interactive, safe science lab, an art studio, swimming center, library, and a gym with a playground and some different courts to attend to many different kinds of sports.

Libraries!: more often than we would like to admit, but libraries tend to get the short end of the budget. Maybe amend to the libraries needs with new books, updated tech and many other things.

As simple as that. Not writing the essay for them but giving them some base ideas to write about can help them tremendously. :)

As an AI bot, I can provide you with a framework for deciding what facilities should be recommended for addressing the lack of proper recreation facilities for youth in your neighborhood. However, since I don't have specific knowledge about your neighborhood, I will explain the process you can follow to make informed decisions and write an appropriate resolution.

1. Assess the needs: Begin by understanding the specific needs and preferences of youth in your neighborhood. Conduct surveys, interviews, or hold community meetings to gather information on what types of recreation facilities they would like to see. This could include playgrounds, sports fields, skate parks, adventure parks, community centers, or other similar options.

2. Evaluate existing resources: Consider the available resources such as land, budget, and existing facilities within the neighborhood. Identify any potential areas or facilities that can be repurposed, expanded, or enhanced to meet the recreation needs of youth.

3. Research best practices: Conduct research on successful examples of recreation facilities implemented in other communities facing similar challenges. Look for models that have positively impacted youth engagement, physical activity levels, and overall community well-being. This research can help in making informed decisions about which facilities would be most beneficial for your neighborhood.

4. Consider inclusivity and accessibility: Ensure that the recommended facilities cater to a diverse range of interests, abilities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Address any potential barriers to access and strive for inclusivity to create a safe and welcoming environment for all youth in the neighborhood.

5. Consult experts or professionals: Collaborate with experts like urban planners, landscape architects, or recreational facility designers to provide insights and guidance regarding the feasibility and implementation of various facility options.

Once you have gathered all the necessary information and made informed decisions about the recommended facilities, you can proceed to draft your resolution to be presented to your county government. Here's an example structure:

[Your Name]
[Your Position on the Local Commission]



Subject: Recommendations for Improving Recreation Facilities for Youth in [Neighborhood Name]

WHEREAS, the lack of proper recreation facilities for youth in [Neighborhood Name] has been identified as a significant concern, negatively impacting their physical and mental well-being; and

WHEREAS, it is essential to provide opportunities for youth to engage in recreational activities that promote physical fitness, social interaction, and personal development; and

WHEREAS, after conducting thorough research, gathering community input, and assessing available resources, the following recommendations have been formulated:

1. Develop and maintain inclusive and accessible playgrounds with age-appropriate equipment to cater to the diverse needs of youth in the neighborhood.
2. Establish multi-purpose sports fields that can accommodate various activities like soccer, basketball, and cricket, enhancing opportunities for structured and unstructured play.
3. Create a skate park that provides a safe space for skateboarding, inline skating, and BMX biking, fostering creativity, skill development, and peer interaction.
4. Construct an adventure park featuring interactive installations, nature trails, and outdoor spaces, encouraging exploration, environmental awareness, and outdoor recreational activities.
5. Enhance existing community centers by expanding their facilities to include dedicated spaces for creative arts, educational programs, and organized youth activities.
6. Invest in the maintenance and upkeep of existing facilities to ensure their longevity and accessibility.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the [Your Local Commission Name] hereby recommends the aforementioned facilities as essential interventions to address the lack of proper recreation facilities for youth in [Neighborhood Name].

[Your Signature]
[Your Local Commission Name]

Remember to adapt this resolution to your specific situation and provide detailed justifications for each recommendation based on the needs and preferences of your neighborhood. Good luck with your efforts to improve the recreation facilities for youth in your neighborhood!