Please summerize and help me to understand M.H.Abrams-Structure and Style in the Greater Romantic Lyric?

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I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I am not able to send emails. However, I can certainly help explain the main points of M.H. Abrams' "Structure and Style in the Greater Romantic Lyric" for you. This book, written by the literary scholar M.H. Abrams, explores the characteristics and techniques of the Romantic era lyric poetry.

The book focuses on the Romantic period's poetry, which flourished in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, mainly in Europe. Abrams analyzes the structure and style of these lyrical poems, aiming to understand their unique qualities and why they became the dominant form of poetry during that era.

To summarize the key ideas in "Structure and Style in the Greater Romantic Lyric":

1. Subjectivity and Individualism: Romantic poets departed from the conventional themes and emphasized individual emotions, imagination, and personal experiences. They celebrated nature, love, and the pursuit of the sublime.

2. Lyric Poem Characteristics: Abrams discusses the defining features of the Romantic lyric, including its brevity, intensity, expressive language, and musicality. He explores the lyrical qualities that evoke emotional responses in readers.

3. Themes and Motifs: Abrams examines the recurrent themes and motifs in Romantic lyric poetry, such as nostalgia, the power of imagination, the importance of the self, and the contrast between the beauty of nature and the artificiality of society.

4. Structure and Form: The book delves into the various poetic structures and forms used by Romantic poets, including sonnets, odes, ballads, and elegies. Abrams analyzes how these forms contribute to the overall impact of the poem.

5. Continuity and Influence: Abrams explores how the Romantic lyric poets influenced and were influenced by earlier literary traditions, including the classical and Renaissance periods. He also examines their impact on later generations of poets.

To gain a deeper understanding of Abrams' analysis and insights, I recommend obtaining a copy of the book and reading it in its entirety. It will provide a comprehensive exploration of the greater Romantic lyric and its various elements.

If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any aspect, please feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to help you.