In a proof, I am given that Triangle GCF is congruent to Triangle GKF is congruent to Triangle JHM. Triangle GCF and Triangle GKF are Vertical Angles. I am also given that Angle C(on Triangle GCF) is 4y, and Angle G(on Triangle GKF) is 16y. So, obviously, the angle opposite it is the same. However, I cannot get all three angles to add up to 180. Could you please explain how to find it or send me a link that might help? Thank you soo very much.

To find the measure of angle J (on Triangle JHM), we can start by using the fact that Triangle GCF is congruent to Triangle GKF. Since angle C (on Triangle GCF) is 4y and angle G (on Triangle GKF) is 16y, we can conclude that angle F (on Triangle GKF) is also 4y (as they are vertical angles).

Now, let's consider Triangle JHM. We know that Triangle GCF is congruent to Triangle JHM, so angle J (on Triangle JHM) must also be 4y.

To check if the angles add up to 180 degrees, we can sum the measures of all three angles:

Angle C + Angle F + Angle J = 4y + 4y + 4y = 12y

However, you mentioned that the angles do not add up to 180 degrees. This suggests that there might be some missing information or a mistake in the given problem.

To further investigate and better understand triangle angle relationships, you can refer to various online resources that provide detailed explanations and examples. Websites like Khan Academy, MathisFun, or YouTube tutorials on geometry proofs can be helpful for further study.

If you have access to a textbook or class notes, reviewing the properties and theorems related to congruent triangles and angles within triangles would also be beneficial.

Remember, it's always important to check the information given in the problem as well as any diagrams provided to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Triangle FGH has the following side lengths:

FG = 5 ft, GH = 10 ft, HF = 12 ft

Triangle PQR is similar to triangle FGH.
The longest side of triangle PQR, RP = 7.2 ft.