magnetite will attract this

Please refer to your next post, which I saw first.


Maganetite will attract this

Magnetite is a type of mineral that exhibits magnetic properties. It is naturally found in rocks and can attract certain materials due to its strong magnetic field.

To determine what magnetite will attract, you can perform a simple test using a magnet. Here's how you can do it:

1. Obtain a strong magnet. You can use a permanent magnet or a neodymium magnet for better results.

2. Identify the material you want to test. It can be any object or substance you are curious about.

3. Hold the magnet close to the material you want to test without touching it. You can start by hovering the magnet above or beside the object.

4. Observe if there is any attraction or movement between the magnet and the object.

If magnetite is present in the material you are testing, it will be attracted to the magnet and may move towards or stick to it. The stronger the magnetic properties of the material, the greater the attraction you will observe.

It is important to note that magnetite is not attracted to all materials. It primarily attracts ferromagnetic materials such as iron, nickel, and cobalt. Non-magnetic materials like wood, plastic, glass, and most rocks will not be affected by the magnetite's magnetic field.