I need to know if I have found the errors for an assignment. Thanks!

I put the corrections in parenthesis.

Comparative forms of superlative adjectives:
Since 1995, the third week in April has been TV-Turnoff week. A not-for-profit group in Washington, D.C., came up with the most interestingest (interesting) idea. Studies show that the averagest (average) person watches four hours of TV a day. The TV-Turnoff people say sitting in front of the tube is worst than just about anything else. It is terrible for your physical health, and it is more terrible (terrible) for your social relationships. But it is most terriblest (terrible) for your mind. There are many more better (better) things to do. For instance, put on those dusty tennis shoes and ride that more dustier (dusty) bike. Bake cookies with your kids. That would be most enjoyable than watching re-runs and certainly not watching TV.

Are you clear on what comparatives and superlatives are??

yes, large, larger, largest...I need your help to see if I found the inncorrect adjectives. If they are wrong can you help me? Please...

There is no such thing as a comparative form of a superlative adjective!!

These passages need correcting:

~~is worst than just about anything else
~~That would be most enjoyable than watching

I'm not sure what you think the final phrasing should be here:
~~it is more terrible (terrible)

I hope you plan to delete the word "more" in both places here:
~~more better (better) things to do. For instance, put on those dusty tennis shoes and ride that more dustier (dusty) bike

Thanks...I missed the worst instead of worse and I realize the stike out of more didn't show up in both places. I typed terrible 2x..however should it be... This would be more enjoyable than watching


Good corrections!!

To check if the errors have been correctly identified, we can compare your corrections to the original text. Let's go through each correction you made:

1. Most interestingest (interesting) - Corrected: interesting
The word "interestingest" is not a standard comparative form of "interesting." The correct comparative form is simply "more interesting".

2. Averagest (average) - Corrected: average
The word "averagest" is not a proper superlative form of "average." The correct superlative form is "most average".

3. Worst (worst) - Corrected: worse
The word "worst" is already the superlative form of "bad." The correct comparative form is "worse".

4. More terrible (terrible) - Corrected: terrible
The phrase "more terriblest" is redundant. By using the superlative form "terriblest," you don't need to add "more."

5. More better (better) - Corrected: better
The phrase "more better" is also redundant. By using the comparative form "better," you don't need to add "more."

6. More dustier (dusty) - Corrected: dustier
The phrase "more dustier" is redundant. By using the comparative form "dustier," you don't need to add "more."

7. Enjoyable than (enjoyable) - Corrected: more enjoyable than
The phrase "most enjoyable than" should be corrected to "more enjoyable than." The word "most" is not necessary in this comparison.

From the corrections you provided, it seems like you have correctly identified and corrected the errors in the assignment. Well done!