A box has a bottom with one edge 3 times as long as the other. If the box has no top and the volume is fixed at V, what dimensions minimize the surface area?

To minimize the surface area of the box, we need to find the dimensions that will result in the least amount of surface area.

Let's assume:
- The length of the longer bottom edge of the box is denoted as 3x.
- The length of the shorter bottom edge of the box is denoted as x.
- The height of the box is denoted as h.
- The volume of the box is fixed at V.

The volume of a box is calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height:
V = (3x * x) * h
=> V = 3x^2 * h

The surface area of a box is calculated by adding up the areas of all its sides:
Surface Area = 2 * (Area of the longer side + Area of the shorter side + Area of the height side)

The area of the longer side of the box is given by:
Area of longer side = 3x * h

The area of the shorter side of the box is given by:
Area of shorter side = x * h

The area of the height side of the box is given by:
Area of height side = (3x + x) * h = 4x * h

Substituting the values into the surface area equation, we get:
Surface Area = 2 * (3x * h + x * h + 4x * h)
=> Surface Area = 2 * (8x * h)
=> Surface Area = 16xh

Now, we need to express h in terms of V and x by rearranging the volume equation:
V = 3x^2 * h
=> h = V / (3x^2)

Substituting this value of h into the surface area equation, we get:
Surface Area = 16x * (V / (3x^2))
=> Surface Area = 16V / (3x)

To minimize the surface area, we need to minimize the expression (16V / (3x)). To do this, we need to find the critical points of the expression by differentiating it with respect to x and setting it equal to zero:
d(Surface Area)/dx = 0

Differentiating the expression, we get:
d(Surface Area)/dx = -16V / (3x^2)

Setting it equal to zero, we have:
-16V / (3x^2) = 0

Canceling out -16V and multiplying through by 3x^2, we find:
3x^2 = 0

This equation has no real solutions, which means that there are no critical points to consider. Thus, the surface area has no minimum or maximum.

However, we can still determine the behavior of the surface area by observing the value of x. As x approaches zero, the surface area becomes infinitely large since the length of one edge grows indefinitely. On the other hand, as x approaches infinity, the surface area becomes infinitely large as well.

From this analysis, we can conclude that there is no minimum surface area for the given conditions.