tony is making flower arrangements. he is using 3 different kinds of flowers-roses, daisies, and tulips. each arrangement will have the same number of each kind of flower. he figures that if he uses all the flowers, the greatest number of arrangements he can make is 7. he has 42 flowers in all, with more daisies than tulips and more tulips than roses. how many of each kind of flower does tony have?

Daisies=21, tulips=14, roses=7


To solve this problem, we can approach it step by step:

Step 1: Let's assume the number of each kind of flower in each arrangement is x.

Step 2: Since Tony will use all the flowers in each arrangement, the total number of flowers used in each arrangement will be 3x (x roses + x daisies + x tulips).

Step 3: Tony can make a maximum of 7 arrangements, so the total number of flowers used will be 7 * 3x = 21x.

Step 4: The total number of flowers Tony has is 42, so we can set up the following equation: 21x = 42.

Step 5: Solve the equation for x:
21x = 42
Divide both sides by 21: x = 42 / 21
Simplify: x = 2

Step 6: Now that we know x = 2, we can find the number of each kind of flower Tony has.
Roses: x = 2
Daisies: 2x = 2 * 2 = 4
Tulips: 4x = 4 * 2 = 8

Therefore, Tony has 2 roses, 4 daisies, and 8 tulips.