correct or not?

1. 2k = 5/6
k= 5/12?

2.3b= 4/7
b= 4/21?

3. 2/3 d = 5/8
d= 15/16?

4. 2/7 a = 5/8
a= 2 3/16? And do I need to simifly?

all numbers are correct. :)

the last one, 2 3/16, i think it's fine in mixed number form.

1,2,and 3 are right.

4. You need to multiply each side by the opposite. So to cancel out 2/7 on the left side, multiply by 7/2 to get a by itself. Then you have to multiply the right side by 7/2 also. Multiply 5*7 to get the top and 2*8 to get the bottom. Let me know if you need more help.

Noelle how did you get 2 x 8?

Like this:

5/8 * 7/2

So, you multiply the two top numbers (5*7) and the two bottom numbers (8*2) to get the final answer for a.

4 is right. Noelle, 5/8*7/2=35/16=2 3/16, which is what they had for their answer.

Not sure what that says, but if it was inappropriate, the site regulators will have you banned from this site.

To determine if the given solutions are correct, we can solve the equations step by step.

1. 2k = 5/6
To solve for k, divide both sides of the equation by 2:
k = (5/6) / 2
Simplifying further:
k = 5/12

So, k = 5/12, which matches the given solution. Therefore, it is correct.

2. 3b = 4/7
To solve for b, divide both sides of the equation by 3:
b = (4/7) /3
Simplifying further:
b = 4/21

So, b = 4/21, which matches the given solution. Therefore, it is correct.

3. 2/3d = 5/8
To solve for d, multiply both sides of the equation by (3/2):
d = (5/8) * (3/2)
Simplifying further:
d = 15/16

So, d = 15/16, which matches the given solution. Therefore, it is correct.

4. 2/7a = 5/8
To solve for a, multiply both sides of the equation by (7/2):
a = (5/8) * (7/2)
Simplifying further:
a = 35/16 = 2 3/16

So, a = 2 3/16. It is not necessary to simplify the fraction further unless specifically instructed to do so. The solution is correct.

In summary, all the given solutions are correct.