the model of the atom that pictured the atom with electrons struck randomly throughtout the mass of the atom was called the

Plum pudding model.

The model of the atom that pictured the electrons as being randomly distributed throughout the mass of the atom was called the "Plum Pudding model" or the "Raisin Pudding model." This model was proposed by J.J. Thomson in 1904.

If you want to know more about the different models of the atom, you can start by doing a quick internet search using keywords like "models of the atom." This will provide you with a general overview. Additionally, you can refer to reliable scientific sources such as textbooks or scientific journals that discuss the historical development of atomic models. These sources usually provide detailed explanations along with diagrams and illustrations.

By exploring reputable sources, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the different atomic models and their significance in the development of our understanding of atomic structure.