Ms Sue thank you for the help with my other word problem can you check this one for me?

Write a word problem and find the solution to the equation. 1/2-2/3
THe answer is -1/6 and the word problem I created is:
Janet put 6 suckers on a table. 3 suckers were watermelon and 3 were grape. 1 student took a grape sucker. Of the total suckers, how many were taken?
Ms. Sue would this come out to being -1/6?

I think 1/6 was taken.

How about this one?

Katy and Alicia are working on sewing projects. Katy has 1/2 yard, but she needs 2/3 of a yard. So Alicia loans Katy the 2/3 yard, and Katy gives her the 1/2 yard. Katy now owes Alicia 1/6 yard; thus it's -1/6.

Actually, there seems to be a slight misunderstanding in how the calculation and the word problem are linked. Let's break it down step by step.

The calculation you provided, 1/2 - 2/3, does indeed equal -1/6. However, the word problem you created does not directly correlate with this equation.

In the word problem, you mentioned that Janet put 6 suckers on a table, with 3 being watermelon-flavored and 3 being grape-flavored. Then, one student took a grape sucker. Based on this information, we need to determine how many suckers were taken in total.

To solve this word problem, we need to consider the number of watermelon suckers and grape suckers separately. Since Janet started with 3 of each flavor, and one grape sucker was taken, there are now 2 grape suckers left. Therefore, the total number of suckers taken becomes:

Number of watermelon suckers taken + Number of grape suckers taken
= 0 + 1
= 1

So, according to your word problem, only 1 sucker was taken in total. This answer does not align with the calculation of 1/2 - 2/3, which equals -1/6. The calculation you provided is different from the scenario in the word problem.

If you had a different intention for the word problem or need further clarification, please let me know!