Most populated U.S cities

City Population(millions)
New york - 8.10
Los Angeles - 3.85
Chicago - 2.86
Houston - 2 01

Between which two cities was the difference in population about 800,000 people?

A. Chicago and Los Angeles
B. New york and Los Angeles
C. Chicago and Houston
D. Houston and New york.

Houston - 2.01*

800,000 = 0.8 million

--> letter C

so there,, :)

thank you!! :) can you answer my math correct or no question that I posted?

To determine which two cities have a difference in population of about 800,000 people, we need to compare the population numbers. Looking at the provided population data for the cities, we can calculate the differences between each pair of cities:

1. Difference between New York and Los Angeles: 8.10 million - 3.85 million = 4.25 million
2. Difference between New York and Chicago: 8.10 million - 2.86 million = 5.24 million
3. Difference between New York and Houston: 8.10 million - 2.01 million = 6.09 million
4. Difference between Los Angeles and Chicago: 3.85 million - 2.86 million = 0.99 million
5. Difference between Los Angeles and Houston: 3.85 million - 2.01 million = 1.84 million
6. Difference between Chicago and Houston: 2.86 million - 2.01 million = 0.85 million

From the calculations above, we can see that the difference between New York and Chicago is 5.24 million, which is more than 800,000 people. The difference between New York and Houston is 6.09 million, also more than 800,000 people. However, the difference between Chicago and Houston is 0.85 million, which is less than 800,000 people. Therefore, the correct answer is:

C. Chicago and Houston