Write electron configurations for the following ions.



is that correct?



Yes, your electron configuration for Tl^+ is correct. Here's an explanation of how to arrive at this electron configuration:

1. Find the electron configuration of the neutral atom: The atomic number of thallium (Tl) is 81. To determine the electron configuration of a neutral atom, you would normally fill up the electron orbitals in order of increasing energy, following the Aufbau principle.

The electron configuration of thallium (Tl) is: 1s^22s^22p^63s^23p^64s^23d^104p^65s^24d^105p^6 6s^24f^145d^106p^1.

2. Determine the charge of the ion: In the case of Tl^+, the ion has a positive charge of +1. This means that it has lost one electron from its neutral state, leaving it with 80 electrons.

3. Remove the appropriate number of electrons: Since Tl^+ has a +1 charge, you remove one electron from the neutral atom. The removed electron will come from the highest energy level, which is the 6s orbital.

4. Write the final electron configuration: After removing one electron from the 6s orbital, the electron configuration for Tl^+ becomes: [Xe]4f^145d^8.

So, in summary, the electron configuration of Tl^+ is [Xe]4f^145d^8.