3^2 is my sample but it says explain their funcutions for eachother. what exactly does it mean. can you give me a function for my problem.

When it says "explain their functions for each other," it is asking you to explain the functions of the numbers or variables involved in your problem and how they interact with each other.

In your example, you have the expression 3^2. This expression involves the number 3 and the exponentiation operation (^). The exponentiation operation is a mathematical operation that raises a number to the power of another number.

To explain their functions for each other in this context, we can say that the number 3 is the base, and the exponentiation operation raises the base (3) to the power of the exponent (2). So, the function in this case can be written as:

f(x) = x^y

Here, x represents the base, and y represents the exponent. In your specific problem, you would substitute x with 3 and y with 2:

f(3) = 3^2

So, the function for your problem is:

f(3) = 3^2

Which means that you are raising 3 to the power of 2.